María Elena San Martín de González Menchaca


Ethnic origen: White


1771  -  Carmelo  -  Not applicable  -  She was born in Carmelo, Uruguay, 18 August 1771.
1784  -  Madrid  -  Unknown  -  She married here in 1784.
1784  -  Spain  -  Unknown  -  She returned to Spain.
1853  -  Spain  -  Unknown  -  She died in Spain in 1853.


Female relatives of past and future leading political/military/ cultural figures
San Martín, women connected to
Women awarded pensions

Born in Las Víboras, now Carmelo, Uruguay, on 18 August 1771, she looked after her brother José de San Martín when he was young. They returned to Spain in 1784 and she married Rafael González Menchaca in Madrid. San Martín was very close to her and in his will he provided a pension of 1,000 francs per year for her and on her death, payment of 250 francs to her daughter Petronila. She died in Spain in 1853. (Sosa de Newton, 581)


Sosa de Newton, Lily (1986) Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas