Magdalena Castro


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1812  -  Tucumán  -  Patriot  -  She co-signed a letter offering to buy arms for the patriots.


Complot de los fusiles
Escalada friends
Women arms to independence army
Women sewed uniforms for patriots

1812 - In 1812 she was among a group of women who offered to buy weapons for the patriots and ask.....

In 1812 she was among a group of women who sewed uniforms for the patriot army in Tucumán. Several of these offered to buy weapons and they asked that their names be inscribed on them. Their accompanying note (below) was reproduced in the Gaceta Minist in June 1812. (Mitre, Obras completas, VII, 16-17)

Carranza includes her name in his Patricias argentinas, adding that nothing else is known of her, but he wants her name to survive. (Carranza, 130)


Carranza, Adolfo P. (1910) Patricias argentinas
Mitre, Bartolomé (1940) Obras completas de Bartolomé Mitre