José Ignacio Espinosa


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1776  -  Guanajuato  -  Not applicable  -  He was born here.
1809  -  Mexico City  -  Patriot  -  He hosted tertulias.
1810  -  Mexico City  -  Unknown  -  He was a member of the Sociedad de los Guadalupes here.
1812  -  Mexico City  -  Patriot  -  He was imprisoned for his pro-independence activities.
1821-1822  -  Mexico City  -  Unknown  -  He was a member of the governing junta from 1821-22.


Hosted independence meetings
Peimbert family
Society of 'los Guadalupes' (Insurgent group, Mexico)

Born in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1776, he was a lawyer in the governing junta from 1821-22. He married Margarita Peimbert. Both were members of the Sociedad de los Guadalupes, they hosted tertulias in 1809 and corresponded with Ignacio Jiménez. He was imprisoned in 1812. (Gueda, a, 368-369)


Gueda, Virginia (1992) En busqueda de un gobierno alterno: Los Guadalupes de México