María Inés de la Paz García de Santa Anna


Ethnic origen: White


1811  -  Spain  -  Not applicable  -  She was born in Spain in 1811.
1825  -  Yucatán  -  Unknown  -  She married Santa Anna.
1825  -  Veracruz (State)  -  Unknown  -  She lived at Mango de Clavo hacienda, Veracruz.
1844  -  Puebla City  -  Unknown  -  She died here in 1844.


Female relatives of past and future leading political/military/ cultural figures
Frances Calderón de la Barca, described by
Santa Anna

Born in Spain, to a rich family, in 1811. She married Santa Anna in 1825 in a "marriage of convenience", bringing sufficient money as a dowry to finance the purchase of the hacienda Manga de Clavo. Santa Anna did not attend the wedding. She administered Manga de Clavo in Santa Anna´s absence. She had four childen. Frances Calderón de la Barca visited her. She died in Puebla in 1844. (Fowler, 2007, 92-95).


Fowler, Will (2007) Santa Anna of Mexico