Juana de Dios Manrique de Luna

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Lima dress
Lima dress
Lima dress
Lima dress
Lima woman
Lima woman


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1823  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  She was spared punishment when José Olaya refused to betray her.
1823  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  She received correspondence from the Patriots in Lima.


Olaya network
Women smuggled correspondence for the patriots
Women spies for independence cause

From Lima, she received correspondence from Cochrane and Sucre, that was transported in a basket of fish by a mozo, José Olaya. He was captured on 28 June 1823(?), tortured and shot. He did not reveal Manrique de Luna's identity. (Neuhaus Rizo, 129-130.)

She corresponded with Sucre when he was in the Castillo del Real Felipe, Callao giving him details of the patriots´ movements. She worked with her cousin Antonia Zumaeta and José Olaya ("el mártir chorillano"): the patriots gave information to the two women, which they passed it on to Olaya who then took it to San Lorenzo island disguised as a merchant in a fragile canoe. Their efforts helped to secure the capture of the frigate Esmerelda.
Her activities as a spy were discovered and the Spanish general Manuel Llanos issued an order for her arrest on 29 June [no year!]. She said she was ill and unable to leave her house. Her cousin, Antonia Zumaeta, went before the Spanish in her place and read out a statement declaring Manrique de Luna to be innocent of passing on secrets. Olaya, too, was imprisoned that day and was executed. (García y García, 223-224)


García y García, Elvira (1924) La mujer peruana a través de los siglos
Neuhaus Rizo Patrón, Carlos (1997) Las Mariscalas