María de la Exaltación Cabrera y Gastañaduy


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1811  -  Córdoba  -  Not applicable  -  She was born in Córdoba on 13 September 1811.
1832  -  Córdoba  -  Unknown  -  She married Macario Torres on 2 October 1832.



She was born in Córdoba on 13 September 1811. She studied in the Colegio de Huérfanas de Córdoba on her father's advice. A fervent Unitarian, on 22 June 1830 to celebrate the first anniversary of the defeat of Facundo Quiroga, she circulated a proclamation that stated: "¡Héroes de la victoria y el valor! ¡Viva la patria, aunque yo muera! Es la inscripción sublime que hoy ponen en vuestra frente el valor y la virtud. ¡En ella están cifrados vuestros nombres, nuestro bien, nuestra felicidad y nuestra gloria!". She married Macario Torres on 2 October 1832. They had many children and their home became a centre of culture and solidarity. (Sosa de Newton, 110)


Sosa de Newton, Lily (1986) Diccionario biográfico de mujeres argentinas