Biography for Josefa Aráoz de Umaña

Author: Josefa Aráoz de Umaña

Type of publication: Letter

Title: Carta

Year of publication: 1820

Place created: Tunja

Language: Spanish

Location of text: Reproduced in J.D. Monsalve, Mujeres de la independencia, p.257 in Biblioteca del Banco Central de Ecuador

Abstract: Letter to Bolívar in which she explains her impoverished position after the execution of her husband by the royalists. She asks for an army post for one of her sons.

Excelentísimo señor:

Así lo espero de Vuestra Excelencia, como que ha venido a enjugar las lágrimas de los infelices, por lo que pido a Dios le prospere y conserve dilatados años.

Josefa Aráoz

Tunja, febrero 28 de 1820

Texts written by Josefa Aráoz de Umaña:
1820 - Carta