Biography for Juana Feliciana Díaz

Author: Juana Feliciana Díaz

Type of publication: Petition

Title: petition

Year of publication: 1794

Place created: Caracas

Language: English

Location of text: Reproduced in Arlene Díaz, Female Citizens, Patriarchs, and the Law in Venezuela, 1786-1904, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London, 2004, p.1, 96 in Hallworth Library, University of Nottingham

Abstract: Extract from a petition in which she expresses regret of the plight of married women and their suboridination to their husbands.

June 6, 1794

How hard is the plight of married women! One rarely finds a husband who has the same regard towards his consorte ... The husband becomes a tyrant, the wife a slave, the home hell, and the children unfortunate witnesses of this horrible and lamentable metamorphosis. ... Marriage, though a sacrament, always remains a pact.

Texts written by Juana Feliciana Díaz:
1794 - petition