Resource detail

Resource ID 124
Title EBSCO Information Services: Global Health

Unparalleled access to all of the world’s relevant public health research and practice.

Produced by CABI, this database was created to ensure that key literature from all sources can be brought quickly and easily to the attention of those working in the field; the database covers all aspects of public health at both international and community levels, as well as a wealth of material from other biomedical and life science fields.

Resource type Website
Source/origin External source
Record created 2014-04-30 14:48
Record updated 2014-04-30 14:48
Record editor Helen Parsons
Tags eJournal, e-journals, e-journal, eJournals, articles, literature, academic, database, research, search, reading
Subjects Child health, Communicable diseases, Determinants of health, Epidemiology and burden of disease, Gender and health, Global health issues, Health systems and models of service delivery, Maternal health, Non-communicable diseases, Poverty and inequality, Education