Resource detail

Resource ID 82
Title Elective Africa

Founded in 2000, Elective Africa is a leading organizer of medical volunteering, educational, gap, and expedition trips to Africa.

For over 13 years, we have been working with communities and healthcare institutions in our program destinations to provide our program participants with a unique opportunity for medical elective and clinicical rotations, gap breaks and volunteering trips that meet four key hurdles:

  • Offer a rich, rare and insightful hands-on experience especially for those in their clinical years
  • Helping under-served communities and people
  • Facilitate cultural exchange and appreciation of host country and community
  • Provide some escape time and space for reflection, inspiration and fun!
Resource type Website
Source/origin External source
Record created 2014-03-25 15:56
Record updated 2014-03-25 15:56
Record editor Helen Parsons
Tags africa, elective placement, volunteer, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, malawi
Subjects Planning a clinical placement overseas