Going to School

The School journey

All children receive an education. For many this is in a ordinary school in an ordinary town with their ordinary friends.

This guide to the Looking Up Book guides the viewer through that ordinary school day.

Off to school

Going to School

The second book in the Looking Up series

About our book

This second book in the Looking up series is for children to share with their grown-ups. Our approach is to use pictures rather than words to convey a message. Some of the children in this book happen to have Down's syndrome and some of them don't. This publication is a celebration of diversity and inclusion showing that we are all more the same than different.
What is for breakfast?

Getting ready for school

Wherever you go to school your day starts the same: Breakfast and don't forget your PE kit!
Eating breakfast at the table


Ready for school with uniform and backpack

Ready to Go!

Arriving at school

When you get there it's nice to see your friends, oh and don't forget to hang your coat up in the right place!
Arriving at School


Putting your coat away

Putting your coat away

Your morning

Your morning can be so busy! Full of learning, laughter and fun! But remember pay attention to your teacher won't you?

Phonics at school


Exploring - Children playing


Working hard and playing with friends

There's all sorts happening in your day. I bet this chap is thinking, I wonder if one of those number pebbles will fill the hole in my bucket?

Children working with numbers


Making friends

Making friends

Learning side by side

Sharing, playing, discovering and learning side by side is what it's really is all about!

Children playing with flowers


Children playing at break-time with water


Time for lunch

Oh that was a busy morning! It's time to tidy up, wash your hands and now for lunch!

Children playing in the sand-pit


School lunch-time


So to the afternoon - Teamwork

So to the afternoon - team work! Just ordinary kids doing ordinary things together.

Children reading and creating


Children cooking and taking part in P.E. at school


Together we are always better

Together we are always better but just twice as noisy!

Children cooking at school


A P.E. day at school


End of a busy day!

It's been a busy day but you still have to tidy up.
Role play at school

Role play

Tidy up and ready for home

Tidy up time!

Time for home!

I wonder what's for tea?
Eating breakfast at the table

Going home

Child lying on the floor looking at the camera

What a busy day!

Further information

The going to school book takes the reader on a journey through a typical school day, showing children having fun and learning alongside their peers. The book uses photograpghs submitted by the families of Cornwall's Downs Syndrome Support Group. This publication is a celebration of diversity and inclusion showing that we are all more the same, than different.
Sally Phillips - Actors support for the book

"I challenge anyone not to want to go to primary school after spending time with this beautiful sunshiney picture book. This is the perfect way to dispel any small child's fears about big school and it may calm the grown-ups down a bit too. After reading I want to try ALL the activities, particularly lunchtime. It's not just children with Down's Syndrome who are visual learners - nearly all of us take in more from pictures than words - what a great idea, what gorgeous kids, what a useful thing you've made CDSSG. Thank you."

Sally Phillips, Actress.

The Cornwall Down's Syndrome Supprt Group logo

This is the second book in the Looking up series: The original book was written for new parents of babies with Down's Syndrome and continues to be succesful. The natural progression for us was to create a book about the next major milestone of going to school as well as promote inclusion for all children.

The Cornwall Down's Syndrome Support Group is a charity run by families affected by Down's Syndrome who live in Cornwall. We offer families a chance to meet, socialise and share information, friendship and support.

For more information please contact:
The Cornwall Down's Syndrome Support Group


Going to School book - ISBN 978-0-9569367-0-7

Book price is £3.99 with free UK mainland delivery.

For infomation and prices on bulk orders please email: info@cdssg.org.uk

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