
Advancing your literature searching skills (Medicine and Health Sciences)

Microsoft Teams
Monday 27th January 2025 (15:00-16:00)

Studying effectively webinar

This webinar is suitable for undergraduates (year two onwards) and masters students studying Medicine and Health Science subjects.

About the session

Looking to further develop your literature searching skills to find information for projects and dissertations? This webinar will focus on more advanced literature searching skills and techniques.

We’ll explore your subject databases in Medicine and Health Sciences in more detail, along with other sources of information you may not have used before to help you take a broader approach to searching for information.

How to join

Access the channel for this meeting on Teams

Step by Step instructions

  1.  Join Libraries Information Skills...on Microsoft Teams
  2. To join a webinar immediately, find it in the weekly post. You can also browse webinar types and times and add them to your personal calendar using the left-hand menu.

If you want to add a webinar to your calendar, you can do this from each meeting page, using the + Add to calendar button.

Further support

University of Nottingham Libraries

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Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

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