
Enhancing pearl millet productivity

A staple crop holds the potential to boost economic development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Lead researchers: Dr Ndjido Ardo Kane, Prof Malcolm Bennett, Dr Rahul Bhosale

Pearl millet is a staple food for more than 100 million people in Africa and India. It is highly nutritious, gluten-free, and mainly grown by smallholder farmers.

In order to create more opportunities for farmers to sell their crops, and to reduce reliance on more costly imported wheat, this project will develop uses for pearl millet that add economic value to the Senegalese food industry, such as incorporating pearl millet into brewing, bread making, and novel food applications. Drawing on expertise from Senegal, France and the UK, the project will promote economic growth and development in Senegal and the wider region, through developing new uses, and therefore marketability, of pearl millet.


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