Manufacturing Metrology Team

MMT student success at Advanced Manufacturing Technology Showcase


Amrozia, Waiel and Sofia in the MMT lab.

Waiel Elmadih, Sofia Catalucci, and Amrozia Shaheen from Manufacturing Metrology Team (MMT) participated in the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Showcase at University of Nottingham The event was subdivided into three categories, specifically related to the first, second, and final year PhDs. Waiel Elmadih won the first prize in the final year category for his 3-minute thesis presentation, while Sofia Catalucci and Amrozia Shaheen won the prizes in the 2nd year category for their individual posters. The three winners now progress to the next round of the Showcase in which they will compete against winners from across the Faculty of Engineering on the 2nd May 2019.
Posted on Thursday 28th March 2019

Manufacturing Metrology Team

Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB