News and Events

View a list of all forthcoming AncientBiotics events at Bromley House library, Angel Row, Nottingham City Centre

Plants and Prayers, Saturday 20th April, 2023 11:00 to 12:00

The co-curators of the Plants and Prayers exhibition, Dr. Erin Connelly and Dr. Christina Lee,will discuss the major themes of health and healing before 1700, includingthe diverse range of practitioners involved in caring for the body and soul,characteristics of medicines, influences from alchemy, and what we canlearn today from historical practices.Library members £5, Non members £6.

Meet a Medieval Doctor!

Find out about the medicines and charms used by early medieval English people by talking to Wulfhild, our 10th-century “leech” or doctor. Comeand see, touch and smell some of the plants and other natural materialsused to treat a range of illnesses. 

Books on Prescription: Nottingham’s Historic Medical Lending Libraries, Wednesday 8th May, 2023 14:00-15:00

The Nottingham Medico Chirurgical Society, one of the oldest in thecountry and still thriving, has over 1000 books in its historic library, which is housed at the University of Nottingham. Join archivist Kathryn Steenson as she talks about the history of the society and its wonderful archive andrare book collections.Library members £5, Non members £6.

Sweet and Sour Synergy: Oxymel as a Past and Future Medicine, Saturday 25th May, 2023 11:00-12:00

Oxymel, a combination of honey and vinegar (and medicinal plants), hasbeen used for centuries, across cultures, as a remedy for wounds andinfections in historical and traditional medical settings. Dr. Erin Connelly will discuss the results from recent laboratory experiments performed at theUniversity of Warwick exploring the antibacterial and antibiofilm activity ofacetic acid and vinegar combined with medical-grade honeys, and thepotential for clinical applications. Frances Watkins will discuss the use ofoxymels as wound healing remedies in early medieval Latin and Old English texts.

Exhibition, April and May 2024

This exhibition explores medicine, care, and healing before 1700 and someof the changes that led to the development of medicine as we know it today.Jointly curated by University of Nottingham Libraries, Manuscripts and Special Collections, Dr Christina Lee, School of English, University of Nottingham, and Dr Erin Connelly, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick.


Plants & Prayers Exhibit 2023

From Thursday 30th March – Sunday 3rd September, Lakeside Arts, Nottingham, held the exciting ‘Plants & Prayers exhibit’. This was made possible through the collaboration of University of Nottingham Libraries, Manuscripts and Special Collections with Ancientbiotics’ very own Dr Christina Lee, School of English, University of Nottingham and Dr Erin Connelly, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick.

Plants & Prayers Exhibit

Lakeside Arts’ Centre

University of Nottingham’s Manuscripts and Special Collections


Freya Harrison of Ancientbiotics wins WH Pierce Prize 2021!

This year the WH Pierce prize was awarded to Dr Freya Harrison, Associate Professor in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick. The Prize is awarded to scientists who have used microbiology to make a signifcant advances in healthcare inititiatives. Freya was nominated for her work in translating medieval literature and medical texts to uncover ancient antimicrobial recipes.

Read more about Freya's achievement.