Human Factors Research Group

SerenA - Chance Encounters in the Space of Ideas

The SerenA project brings together colleagues at The University of Dundee, The University of Nottingham, UCL, Heriot Watt, Lancaster University, Queen Mary and Goldsmiths to explore serendipity through the use of innovative technology.

The aim of SerenA project is to transform the research processes and interactions by accommodating the creation of unexpected connections, interactions and ideas among people and among people and resources. SerenA aims to provide:

  • A new insight of the nature of serendipitous interactions with both humans and computers;
  • New evaluation methodologies for large scale integrated physical/virtual, hybrid human/computer environments;
  • New methods for discovery and recording of information, using and enhancing Semantic Web technology;
  • New domain-specific and generic knowledge encoded for use by SerenA and the Semantic Web in general;
  • New working integrated physical/virtual environments for the use and sharing of discovered information;
  • New documentation of the issues involved in designing and building such a system and its knowledge base.

For further information, please visit the SerenA website or email Dr Genofeva Kefalidou

Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040