Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication of COVID-19, with a high incidence of AKI that is more severe than AKI due to other causes. The causes of AKI also appear specific to COVID-19 infection. It is important to understand the long-term impact of COVID-19 associated AKI on kidney function and the mechanisms of injury to inform decisions about the need for follow-up.
MRI-AIDED (MRI changes of Acute kIDnEy injury in coviD-19)
Funded by University of Nottingham Biomedical Research centre pump priming funding and the Nottingham Recovery from COVID19 Research Platform.
MRI-AIDED is a collaboration with the Centre for Kidney Research and Innovation (CKRI). The primary objective is to evaluate the incidence of irreversible kidney damage in patients with AKI due to COVID-19 using multiparametric MRI measures to assess different aspects of kidney structure, function, perfusion and oxygenation. Patients will be assessed with MRI at 6, 12 and 24 months after hospital discharge. We may be able to quantify kidney damage that is not necessarily detected using standard clinical measures of eGFR and uACR.
MR-Evaluation of Renal Function In Septic Patients (MERSEP)
MERSEP is a collaboration with Uppsala University to assess renal blood flow and oxygenation in critically ill patients in intensive care with sepsis due to COVID-19, with and without AKI. These patients are scanned at baseline and also receive an intravenous infusion of Ringers Acetate. Those patients who survive at 90 days have a repeat MRI scan.