// Site Setup For full detais on the site setup, see our Research Groups guidance on Workspace: https://workspace.nottingham.ac.uk/display/CandM/Contensis+%28CMS%29+Guidance //Site Go-Live process 1. Inform us of any shortened URLs you require 2. All items that need to go live should be approved. Don't worry, these won't go live until we have set your folder to publish to the live server. 3. Quality check - submit your website for a quality check via the Staff IT Helpline 4. Quality check - there may be amends to make, if so, make these, if not, we will arrange for the site to go live 5. Your site is launched // Site authorising Head of School (or nominee) Please state here who the authorising Head of School (or nominee) is. // For full guidance, please see the Research Groups guidance on Workspace: https://workspace.nottingham.ac.uk/display/CandM/Contensis+%28CMS%29+Guidance