Veterinary Educational Development

Veterinary Educational Development Research Theme

Investigating the impact of a novel curriculum and different methods of delivery on learning outcomes.

A member of staff teaching students at one of our clinical associates

Key aims and expertise

The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science (SVMS) recognises the need to deliver an evidence-based curriculum and educational research is therefore a strongly represented research theme. Projects encompass both the undergraduate and post-graduate student learning experience.  Particular emphasis is placed upon methods of teaching and assessment as well as professional development and student support.  We aim to gain a deeper understanding of these areas, ultimately leading to curriculum improvements for the benefit of our students, future employers and patients.

Current projects

  1. Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning
    The new curriculum at SVMS has provided many opportunities to reflect upon the effectiveness of our delivered course.  We consider evaluation and validation of the curriculum, in particular innovative developments fundamental to ensuring best practice.  This area covers a broad range of research activities associated with curriculum content and delivery including; Clinical skills (development, delivery and learning support), Effective small group teaching and Peer-assisted learning (PAL).
  2. Assessment and Feedback
    Assessment forms an important component of any curriculum and should align with teaching strategy and intended learning outcomes whilst feedback is an essential part of the learning cycle. Development of best practice is determined by research of the validity and outcomes of assessment methods including multiple choice questions (MCQs), Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), Script concordance tests (SCTs), Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS) and workplace-based assessment.
  3. Professional development and ethics
    The attitudes, behaviours and ethical basis of decision making is an increasingly important aspect of professional life.  Research in this area focuses on the teaching, delivery and assessment of professionalism and professional skills.  An evidence-based approach to the teaching and learning of ethics is sought through research within this key area. 
  4. Student Selection and Progression
    Currently, our admissions procedure for undergraduate students is an in-depth process assessing a range of desired attributes.  This process is continually under review.  This research strand aims to gather evidence around our existing admissions strategy including tracking student progress throughout the course.   Currently we are collaborating with the ‘work psychology group’  to further develop the robustness of our selection process for this highly competitive course. 
  5. Student Support and Welfare
    Strong student support services and networks are essential on an intensive professional course.  The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science has been praised for its student support provision, evidenced through the National Student Survey results.  This group aims to validate current practice and develop new strategies where appropriate.
  6. Post-graduate Education
    The student experience at SVMS including masters, PhD, residency and internship programmes.

Effective CPD for practising veterinary surgeons, including methods of engagement.

Significant results

  • Analysis of the hidden curriculum
    Mossop L, Dennick R, Hammond R, Robbé I.
    Med Educ. 2013 Feb;47(2):134-43. 
  • What is it like to be an international student at veterinary school? Tötemeyer S, Dobbs H, Rutland CS.
    J Vet Med Educ. 2012 Summer;39(2):180-8. doi: 10.3138/jvme.1111-114R. 






Veterinary Educational Development Research Theme

The University of Nottingham
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6116
email: Email our Research Theme Leader