RPA Lead |
Dryden, Ian | 0115 8467412 | Professor of Statistics |  |
Other Academic |
Brameld, John | 0115 951 6133 | Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry |  |
Brignell, Chris | 0115 9514982 | Associate Professor, Head of Section Mathematical Education & Scholarship |  |
de Moor, Cornelia | 0115 9515041 | Associate Professor in RNA Biology |  |
Dottorini, Tania | 0115 951 6790 | Professor in Bioinformatics |  |
Fairclough, Lucy | 0115 82 30729 | Professor of Immunology |  |
French, Andrew | n/a | Professor |  |
Hirst, Jonathan | 0115 95 13478 | Professor of Computational Chemistry & Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies |  |
Kypraios, Theodore | 0115 9514922 | Professor of Statistics |  |
Laughton, Charles | 0115 9513405 | Professor of Computational Pharmaceutical Science |  |
Loose, Matt | 0115 82 30358 | Professor of Developmental and Computational Biology |  |
May, Sean | 0115 951 3306 | Director of http://arabidopsis.info, Professor of Plant Cyberinfrastructure |  |
Preston, Simon | 0115 9514927 | Professor of Statistics and Applied Mathematics |  |
Stekel, Dov | 0115 951 6294 | Professor of Computational Biology |  |
Tarlinton, Rachael | 0115 951 6273 | Associate Professor in Veterinary Virology |  |
Tata, Laila J | 0115 823 1353 | Professor of Epidemiology |  |
Thul, Ruediger | 0115 8467913 | Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics, Director of PGT Studies |  |
Wattis, Jonathan | 0115 9513857 | Professor of Mathematical Sciences |  |
Wheatley, Richard | 0115 951 3454 | Associate Professor and Reader in Theoretical Chemistry |  |
Associate Professors |
Brennan, Marnie | 0115 951 6577 | Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine and Assistant Professor in Epidemiology |  |
Director |
Garibaldi, Jon | 0115 95 14216 | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Professors |
Coombes, Stephen | 0115 8467836 | Professor of Applied Mathematics, Head of Section Applied Mathematics |  |
Marsh, Stuart | 0115 95 15445 | Head of the NGI and Professor of Geospatial Engineering |  |
Pearce, Frazer | 0115 951 5160 | Professor of Physics |  |
Williams, Phil | 0115 9515025 | Professor of Biophysics, Faculty of Science APVC for Research and Knowledge Exchange |  |