Mass Customisation Research Centre

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Reference bibliography

MCRC maintains a database of books, articles and academic papers on Mass Customization. Download a document summarising a selection of material

The document summarises reference material of interest to the application and theory of mass customization. The organisation of the references under subject and topic headings is intended to help find material of most relevance. In addition we have divided the material into Primary and Secondary sources. In our judgement, the primary material provides substantial insight into the subject or topic it is listed under. As far as possible we have provided an abstract for each primary reference. Secondary material is relevant and important to the subject but is labelled secondary for one of two reasons: other primary material covers much of the ground; or it is narrow in its coverage of the subject / topic.

The contents of the document:

> General material
> Case-studies
> Collections of technical papers
> Criticism
> Defining Mass Customization
> Strategy and business case
> Organisational design
> Order fulfillment system design
> Supply Chain
> Order processing
> Product design and development
> Quality
> Customer issues
> Appendix with full listing by author

Reference bibliography

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