Behavioural Studies - Equipment & Software:

Ultrasound Vocalisations

 Sound Analysis Software - Some VERY useful links/sites on bioacoustics (bird song; dolphins, bats, etc)

 Multichannel Bioacoustics (Avisoft) - multichannel monitoring of animal acoustic behaviour

 Dr Dolittle Project - MatLab Toolkit utility for animal sound signal analysis

Circadian Biology

 StanfordSoftware - multi-channel laboratory interface & software for animal circadian behavioural monitoring

 Cambridge NeurotechnologyActiwatch monitors, reader interface & software for human circadian and sleep monitoring

VideoTracking (laboratory-based)

 EthoVision (Noldus) - video tracking system for automatic recording of animal activity, movement and social interactions

 TSE Systems - video tracking system for automatic recording of animal activity

 MedAssociates - video tracking system for automatic recording of animal activity

 San Diego Instruments - video tracking system for automatic recording of animal activity

 Plexon Inc - CinePlex system for integrated video tracking with electrophysiological (unit / LFP) recording of animal activity

Human Studies – eye movement tracking; EEG

 ADInstruments - teaching /  research physiological recording system

 ITU Gaze Tracker - Eye tracking software suite using IR video tracking system for recording of eye movements (University of Copenhagen)

Wildlife Animal Radio-Tracking/Telemetry

Kenward RE (2001) A manual for wildlife radio tagging, Academic Press

 AnaTrack Ltd - supplier site UK

 Alana Ecology - supplier site UK

 Bio-Telemetry - links site

GPS Mapping – Equipment / Software