Appropriate Use

Gloves must be worn as single use items. They must be worn for invasive procedures, for contact with sterile sites, non-intact skin and mucous membranes, and for all activities that have been assessed as carrying a risk of exposure to blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions. They must also be worn when handling sharp or contaminated instruments.

Double gloving - wearing two pairs of gloves - is recommended for procedures associated with a high risk of glove tear or percutaneous injury.

Gloves must be put on immediately before an episode of patient contact or treatment, and removed as soon as patient activity is completed. They must be changed between caring for different patients, or between different care or treatment activities for the same patient.

Gloves are not an alternative to hand hygiene, and hands must still be decontaminated before and after patient contact. After use, gloves must be disposed of as clinical waste.

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