RLO Development Stages

Each RLO goes through a series of stages in its production, from vague idea to to final release - this constitutes its 'lifecycle'. The formal stages are briefly described below, but in practice stage boundaries are sometimes blurred, and there's considerable 'iteration' in the development process.

RLO lifecycle
Development stage Description
Concept Author(s) have idea for the RLO, but no specification has yet been written.
Specification Specification is in writing, or has been written and is awaiting review.
Specification peer review Specification has been written and is under review.
Awaiting development Specification has been peer-reviewed, and the RLO has been placed in the development queue.
Under development RLO is being produced in software by the developer.
RLO peer review The RLO has been produced in software and is undergoing peer-review. It may be placed online for use at this point to allow for student feedback, a sort of 'beta testing'.
Released RLO peer-reviewed and officially released for use.
Discontinued When a RLO becomes obsolete, out of date, or otherwise has to be withdrawn from circulation.