Photos of Assyrian Artifacts
Ancient Near East section, British Museum, London

I went to the British Museum on Sunday 2 June 2002, during the Jubilee weekend, it was a good time to go because the weather was very sunny and the world cup was on, and there weren't any Jubilee activities except for church bell ringing, and under such conditions, the natives in these islands tend to be either watching footy on tellie in pubs or sunbathing, and so the museum was relatively uncrowded. There were only some Asian tour groups and American tourists.

I spent the day in the Ancient Near East galleries in the West wing of the museum, taking photos of the Assyrian exhibits until my last set of camera batteries ran out. After my first photo, i got told off by a guard for using a tripod (i didn't know you are not allowed to), so the rest are taken without tripod and may be a bit blur and shaky as i took them mostly under ambient light, wihout flash.

It was very interesting to see things made by the Assyrians, the people to whom the prophet Jonah was sent. The impression i got was that they were a very powerful and proud people, and fond of violence, which is not unlike some cultures that we see today. The amount of blood and gore depicted in the bas reliefs that decorated their palace walls would be worthy of a modern Hollywood movie. I also saw poignant scenes from the siege of Lachish, an Israelite city, depicted on bas reliefs from the palace of king Sennacherib in Nineveh-- God spared that city, and later they went on to be the rod of his chastisement to punish Israel with destruction.

Links to relevant British Museum websites are given at the bottom of this page.

The following are the photos i took. Those of you who have the book may wish to refer to the chronology / time line on page 20 and page 21 of The Bible in the British Museum by T. C. Mitchell (British Museum Press, 1988). This chronology is in some cases 1 year different from the one used by the SDA BIble Commentary, but it gives you a good idea of the order of the Assyrian kings mentioned in the photos below, and when they reigned with respect to the Israelite kings. Jonah is thought to have lived during or slightly before the reign of King Jeroboam II of Israel.

The Photos:
  1. 001_Attendant_god_Nabu_Nimrud
  2. 001a_other_Attendant_god_Nabu_Nimrud
  3. 002_Protective_spirit_Ninurta_Nimrud
  4. 003_god_monster_Ninurta_Nimrud
  5. 004_fish_god_Ninurta_Nimrud
  6. 005_Shamshi_AdadV_Nabu_Nimrud
  7. 006_Ashurnasirpal_Kurkh
  8. 007_Shalmaneser_Kurkh
  9. 008_Astartu_TiglathPileser_NimrudSW
  10. 009_top_Astartu_TiglathPileser_NimrudSW
  11. 010_ArabPrisoners_TiglathPileser_NimrudC
  12. 011_CapturedFlocks_TiglathPileser_NimrudC
  13. 012_CapturedCamels_TiglathPileser_NimrudC
  14. 013_TiglathPileser_NimrudC
  15. 014_lion_Ashurnasirpal_Ishtar_Nimrud
  16. 015_headof_lion_Ashurnasirpal_Ishtar_Nimrud
  17. 016_blackobelisk_full
  18. 016a_blackobelisk_fullBC
  19. 017_blackobelisk_A1
  20. 018_blackobelisk_A2
  21. 019_blackobelisk_A2close
  22. 020_blackobelisk_A3
  23. 021_blackobelisk_A4
  24. 022_blackobelisk_A5
  25. 023_blackobelisk_B1
  26. 024_blackobelisk_B2
  27. 025_blackobelisk_B3
  28. 026_blackobelisk_B4
  29. 027_blackobelisk_B5
  30. 028_blackobelisk_C1
  31. 029_blackobelisk_C2
  32. 030_blackobelisk_C3
  33. 031_blackobelisk_C4
  34. 032_blackobelisk_C5
  35. 033_blackobelisk_D1
  36. 034_blackobelisk_D2
  37. 035_blackobelisk_D3
  38. 036_blackobelisk_D4
  39. 037_blackobelisk_D5
  40. 038_Ashurnasirpal_Nimrud
  41. 039_HumanHeadedWingedLion_NimrudNW
  42. 040_BalawatGatesReconstruction
  43. 041_BalawatGates1
  44. 042_BalawatGates2
  45. 043_BalawatGates3
  46. 044_BalawatGates4
  47. 045_BalawatGates5
  48. 046_BalawatGates6
  49. 047_BalawatGates7
  50. 048_BalawatGates8
  51. 049_BalawatGates9
  52. 050_BalawatGates10
  53. 051_LionHunt_NimrudNW
  54. 052_Ashurnasirpal_spirits_NimrudNW
  55. 053_AshurnasirpalSpirits_tree_NimrudNW
  56. 054_Ashurnasirpal_Symbolic_NimrudNW
  57. 055_Ashurnasirpal_Symbolic_NimrudNW_godsymbols
  58. 056_Ashurnasirpal_Symbolic_NimrudNW_shamash
  59. 057_WildBullHunt_NimrudNW
  60. 058_BullHunt_Musicians_NimrudNW
  61. 059_BattleScene1_NimrudNW
  62. 060_BattleScene2_NimrudNW
  63. 061_Deportation_TiglathPileser_NimrudC
  64. 062_Lachish1
  65. 063_Lachish2
  66. 064_Lachish3
  67. 064a_Lachish3a
  68. 065_Lachish4
  69. 065a_Lachish5
  70. 065b_LachishArtifacts
  71. 066_GazelleHunt_NinevehN
  72. 067_LionHunt_NinevehN
  73. 068_AssHunt_NinevehN
  74. 069_AssHunt2_NinevehN
  75. 070_DyingLions1
  76. 071_DyingLions2
  77. 072_DyingLions3
  78. 073_alamu_NinevehSW
  79. 074_Fisherman_NinevehSW
  80. 075_warship_NinevehSW
  81. 076_prisonerMusicians_NinevehSW
  82. 077_AssyrianCamp_Lachish_NinevehSW
  83. 078_BattleScene_NimrudC
  84. 079_AttackonTown_NimrudC
  85. 080_AttackonTown1_NimrudC
  86. 081_AttackonTown2_NimrudC
  87. 082_AttackonTown3_NimrudC
  88. 083_WingedBull_Boats_NinevehSW
  89. 084_WingedBull_fisherman_NinevehSW
  90. 085_WingedBull_prisoners_NinevehSW
  91. 086_SIraq_fish_NinevehSW
  92. 087_SIraq_Headcount_NinevehSW