Gierina Cathomas

Gierina Cathomas

Visiting Scholar, Centre for Environmental Management, University of Nottingham
(January – April, 2015)

Gierina joins the Centre for Environmental Management at Nottingham University as an intern. She graduated from the University of Bern, Switzerland in 2012 in Geography, Life Science and Sociology (Master of Science in Geography). She completed an internship in a private company focussing on renewable energies in Lucerne as well as an internship in the Swiss Association of National Planning (vlp-aspan), where she was responsible for the collection of best practice in Swiss land use planning. Recently she worked at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL for one and a half years, where she particularly worked on urban sprawl. The principal project has been to produce a handbook for Swiss local government authorities that helps them on how to deal with the challenge of urban sprawl.


Cathomas, G., Hersperger A. (2015 expected) Implementierung von Massnahmen gegen Zersiedelung. Lernen von guten Beispielen. Jaegger J., Schwick C., Hersperger A. (editor).
Cathomas, G., Hersperger A. (2015 expected) Implementation of measures against urban sprawl. Learning from best practices. Jaegger J., Schwick C., Hersperger A. (editor). (Translation)
Cathomas, G., Hersperger A. (2016 expected) Akteure im Kontext des Wandels von Flächennutzungen - Verantwortlichkeiten für Flächeninanspruchnahmen. Behnisch M. (editor). Flächeninanspruchnahme in Deutschland - Beiträge zur Erforschung von Einflussgrössen und Regelhaftigkeiten. Springer.
Cathomas, G., Hersperger A. (2016 expected) Actors in the context of change in surface utilization - Responsibilities for land consumption. Behnisch M. (editor). Land consumption in Germany - Contributions to the research of influencing factors and regularities. Springer. (Translation:)
Cathomas, G. (2011) Die Wahrnehmung von Naturereignissen und Naturrisiken. Am Beispiel von Vals und Rueun. (Masterthesis Universität Bern). 128.
Cathomas, G. (2011) The perception of natural events and natural hazards. Using the examples of Vals and Rueun. (Masterthesis University of Bern). 128. (Translation)

Main projects

Urban sprawl: Implementation of measures to regulate urban sprawl in Swiss case studies. Research project by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL.
EU OpenNESS: Operationalisation of natural capital and ecosystem services.
ESMERALDA: Enhancing Ecosystem Service Mapping from policy and Decision Making.


School of Geography
Sir Clive Granger Building
Room B27c, University of Nottingham
Tel. 0115 9515635