The EU Funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "ASPIRE" has been active as of March 1st 2016. The recruited early stage researchers (ESRs) are each working with one of the European Beneficiaries that comprise the network on an individual project linked to the overall goals of ASPIRE.
"ASPIRE" stands for "Angular Studies of Photoelectron in Innovative Research Environments". The ASPIRE network is focusing on the measurement of Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions (MF-PADs), which can be interpreted as electron diffraction patterns achieved by "illuminating molecules from within", and enable the electronic structure and dynamics of molecules to be interrogated.
ASPIRE brings together a unique team of internationally leading scientists to develop new methods suitable for determining MF-PADs from complex molecules. Progress in this area is highly technologically driven, requiring ever more sophisticated light sources and faster detectors. The input of private sector beneficiaries and partner organizations is therefore critical to the scientific objectives, as well as to the enhanced training environment provided by the network. We aim to train and educate a cohort of ESRs who are creative and innovative in the development of novel instrumentation for advanced light sources and for the detection and discrimination of charged particles.
Our external advisors are Albert Stolow and Nora Berrah.
For more information on ASPIRE contact the Coordinator, the Project Manager, or one of the Partners.
ASPIRE - This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 674960.
Innovative training networks bring together universities, research centres and companies from different countries worldwide to train a new generation of researchers. The funding boosts scientific excellence and business innovation, and enhances researchers’ career prospects through developing their skills inentrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.