
Living and Speaking Together



20-21 June 2015


Room A34 Business School North, Jubilee Campus


Various, see Conference Rates below.

Online registration


Keynote speaker


  • Professor Luce Irigaray (CNRS, France) 

Proposals for papers 

Proposals for papers should be sent to Professor Luce Irigaray at her postal address 15, Rue Lakanal, 75015 Paris, France and to Professor Judith Still at her email address:


Also of interest to delegates:

Luce Irigaray's forthcoming book, Building a New World

Luce Irigaray's Postgraduate seminars: 22-26 June 2015 


Living and Speaking Together

Many imagine that building a world culture requires us to use a conceptual and abstract universal language which would be capable of dominating the complexity of the world as it is today. Certainly, this corresponds to the way of reasoning of our past Western tradition. However, the danger in which our planet, the plant and animal kingdoms, but also humanity itself, now find themselves ought to encourage us to reflect on the limitations of our tradition, and the fact that we should elaborate another and different culture, which returns to what I term ‘our natural belonging’, and consider how to cultivate this. In order to avoid the total annihilation of the world, we have to return, I argue, and begin again with, the real universal that life is, and not a universal that corresponds to a constructed model appropriate to only one culture. This requires us to discover another way of living and speaking together – with regard to the real differences between us – including differences in language.

Luce Irigaray, Judith Still

Conference essentials

Conference Rates

Earlybird Residential Rate:£220
(Postgraduate and Unwaged Delegates): £120

The earlybird rate is available for bookings made before 15 May.

Residential Rate:£250
(Postgraduate and Unwaged Delegates): £140
All rates include:conference fee, accommodation, lunches/refreshments and dinner on Saturday evening.

Day Rates:
£45 Saturday 20 June
£45 Sunday 21 June
£80 Saturday/Sunday 20/21 June
£30 Conference Dinner, Saturday 20 June

These rates include the conference fee, lunches and refreshments




Sharmista Chhaya

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5799