Time | Title | Presenter (s) |
09:30 - 10:00 |
Registration |
10:00 - 11:00 |
Welcome/Keynote - Digital Culture Research: What stay the same when everything changes? |
Professor Tim Jordan (University of Sussex) |
11:00 - 12:00 |
Parallel Sessions 1 and 2 |
Panel 1 – Digital⇌Culture… In and across media
The Eclectic Disposition: Digital Platforms and Popular Music Taste |
Giuseppe Zevolli (King’s College London) |
“A System of Sobbing Barter”: Representations of the Internet in Contemporary American Fiction |
George Cox (University of Nottingham) |
From occasion to obsession: A longitudinal study on how technological uptake and the proliferation of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) have shaped communication since 2005 |
Laurie Dempsey (University of Nottingham) |
Panel 2 – Digital⇌Culture… & Gaming
Communication, Interaction and Platform Dynamics in Video Game Live Streaming on Twitch.tv |
Dr Mark R Johnson (University of Alberta) |
The Videogame Cyberbard: Examining creative roles in videogame production |
Rebekah Cunningham (University of Birmingham) |
Football, FIFA, and female gamers: Taking one for the team? |
Carina Assuncao (University of Edinburgh) Michelle Brown (De Monfort University) |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Break |
Parallel Sessions 3 and 4
Panel 3 – Digital⇌Culture… & the Digital Body/Self
Does your computer know you better than you do?
Amélie Berger Soraruff (University of Dundee) |
Media as Power-Knowledge Formations in Digital Cultures
Mujie Li (University of Sussex) |
Is the artist’s website a hupomnemata?
Clovis Marcio Cunha (FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa) |
Panel 4 – Digital⇌Culture… & Online Identity
“The loneliest disease in the world”: Negotiating identity on an online dementia forum |
Anni Bailey (University of Nottingham) |
Digital Transience: Sociolinguistic identities and the Affordances of Snapchat
Christian Ilbury (Queen Mary, University of London) |
Laboured Identity: an analysis of user branding practices on Instagram
Susana Aires Gomes (University of Warwick) |
13:15 - 14:15 |
Lunch |
14:15 - 15:15 |
Parallel Sessions 5 and 6 |
Panel 5 – Digital⇌Culture… Social Media & Politics
Digital Polarisation in Contemporary Turkey: A Discursive Analysis of Hashtags and Images |
Dr Özge Özdüzen (Lund University) Dr Umut Korkut (Glasgow Caledonian University) |
How to measure post-truth politics on social media: Coding evidence and emotion in the EU Referendum
Esmeralda Bon (University of Nottingham) |
Artificial Intelligence in the post-political era: Automation and subjectivation on Facebook pages during the Mexican presidential campaigns in 2018
Eloy Caloca Lafont (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City) |
Panel 6 – Digital⇌Culture… Relationships with the Press
Policing and digital media: the increasing control of the British police over crime news dissemination and its effect on democratic practices in the UK
Dr Marianne Colbran (Mannheim Centre, LSE) |
Constructing the Dark Side of the Web: The representation of Deep Web technologies and users in British newspapers
Thais de Oliveira Sardá (Loughborough University) |
Digital Platforms: Redefining Relations between Whistle-Blowers and the Media
Melanie Dupéré (University of Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III) |
15:15 - 16:00 |
Final Session
Panel 7 - Digital⇌Culture… Interactions & Interactivity
Multidimensional Storytelling: A new framework for analysing projects of digital entertainment
Simona Spinelli (King’s College London) |
“Don’t @ me”: Affording expression on Twitter and IRC
Stijn Peeters (King’s College London) |
16:00 - 16:15 |
16:15 - 17:15 |
Keynote - Social functions of networked visuals or what does the selfie do? |
Dr Kat Tiidenberg (Aarhus University, Denmark) |
17:15 |
Closing Remarks |
17:30 |
Drinks Reception |