Initially, we will focus on stopping COVID-19 outbreaks in halls of residence before they get out of control. By quickly identifying positive cases and stopping the chain of asymptomatic transmission, we help protect staff and students by suppressing the numbers of infections. When combined with effective isolation and infection control, it should also reduce the likelihood of severe public health measures such as whole-hall lockdown, saving local and national public health resources by:
Reactive outbreak control
If there is a known, or suspected outbreak (two linked cases) in a hall of residence, then we will work with local public health to monitor potential spread of the virus and support isolating students. This will likely involve all those living and working in a hall being asked to provide several samples for testing over the course of a week. Each reactive outbreak control plan will be different and tailored to the specific circumstances we face. Students and staff will be contacted with all the information they need.
Rolling sentinel surveillance
Starting from the beginning of October, each week we will schedule a programme of rolling ‘sentinel surveillance’ testing sessions across the University’s halls of residence. We are in discussion with third party accommodation providers about including their facilities. This will involve collecting at least two samples at the beginning and end of the week from staff and students living and working in the hall.
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
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