University of Nottingham

If participation is voluntary, why should I take part?

If participation is voluntary, why should I take part?

We know that young people are less likely to have severe symptoms, if any at all. We also know that those infected with the virus can also infect others, even if they don’t display any symptoms. Our aim is to halt transmission and minimise outbreaks before they get out of control. If outbreaks become severe, local public health authorities have the powers to lock down halls, close buildings and maybe even shut the University.  

By taking part and following the rules around isolation if you or other members of your household test positive, we can help control the spread of the virus and keep students, staff and the local community safe.  



University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
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email: Contact us