If you're a current student studying in or visiting France please notify your School that you're safe and well. A full list of Academic Departments can be found here. If you have any immediate concerns you can call our Security Control office on 0044 115 951 3013 or 0044 115 951 3014.
If you have friends or family in Paris and want to check on them please use the UK Foreign Office & Commonwealth Office hotlines.
If you're in the UK you can call 0207 008 1500.
If you're currently abroad you can call 0044 207 008 1500
Please share this post so that it reaches as many of our current students as possible.
Communications and MarketingUniversity Park Campus Nottingham, NG7 2RD
telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353 e: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk