Current Students

Have you read The Hitchhiker's Guide the the Galaxy?


 Nottingham Reading Programme 714x315

This year, we're giving all new students the chance to pick up a free copy of science fiction classic The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in your hall when you move in, or from University libraries.

Much like the story’s hero Arthur Dent, you might be a long way from home, wondering how you’re going to get on in what might seem like a strange new environment.

The Nottingham Reading Programme is a great way to get talking to other students as you’ll always have a conversation starter with other first years, so there’ll be no need for any small talk about the weather! You will also be offered the opportunity to take part in reading groups, giving you another chance to meet like-minded people.

Each book has been customised for The University of Nottingham. We hope you enjoy reading this special edition, but more importantly, we hope you have a fantastic time during your first weeks. As the book says – don’t panic!

Watch our video

Our vloggers Amy and Laura explain more about the programme and share their thoughts on the book in this video.

Find out more

To find out more, read the first page of your book or visit the Nottingham Reading Programme webpage. Make sure you let us know what you think of the book by using #UoNFreshers.

Posted on Tuesday 27th September 2016

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