Examinations are taking place from Monday 16 January 2017 to Saturday 28 January 2017 – including Saturday 21 January.
Please be aware that dates and times for some examinations have changed following publication of the exam timetable on the 25 November 2016. These changes may have affected you and it is therefore imperative that you check your exam timetable on the Portal to ensure you are aware of when your exams will take place.
It is not anticipated that further changes to dates and times will need to be made to the exam timetable in January 2017, but you will be contacted at your University email address as a matter of urgency if exceptional circumstances mean this has to happen.
Locations will be made available on Monday 12 December at 5pm. If you are a student with alternative arrangements, location changes will be made by Friday 16 December.
Communications and MarketingUniversity Park Campus Nottingham, NG7 2RD
telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353 e: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk