Current Students

Your checklist for the January exams


Pair of male students studying in the learning Hub, Ningbo Campus, China 714x249

As we approach the end of term you’re probably already beginning to think about the January exams. Or perhaps you’re not and you could do with some top tips to get you in the zone! Either way, we’ve got you covered with our study resources and revision tips.

Visit the Exam Period page on Current Students to find all of our study resources in one place.

Below is a helpful checklist of all the things you might want to do to prepare for the January exams. Resources for all of these can be found through the Exam Period link above.

  • Check your exam timetable
  • Find out how to get to your exam venue
  • Find a study space
  • Look up past papers
  • View our top tips for studying effectively
  • Find out how to manage stress
  • Get exam support if you need it
  • Optimise the apps on your phone to become an efficient studying machine

Enjoy the festive season and best of luck to those of you who are taking January exams.

Posted on Friday 9th December 2016

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