Current Students

Are you registered to vote in Nottingham?


Have you registered to vote 714x249

Being registered to vote in Nottingham means that you can have your say on the local issues that affect you, and you can also access a range of non-statutory services provided by Nottingham City Council.

You might have recently received an ‘Invitation to Register’ form through the post at your University address. These forms are sent by Nottingham City Council to encourage you to register to vote here in Nottingham.

As a student, you are entitled to be registered to vote at both your home and your term-time addresses. You may find it useful to be registered in Nottingham in case a snap election is called and you can’t get home to vote. Registering to vote here will also help you to access council services such as parking permits and pest control, which you might otherwise be delayed in accessing.

You can register to vote in Nottingham by going online to and entering your term-time address. Alternatively, if you have received an Invitation to Register, you can complete this form and return it in the envelope provided. You will need your National Insurance (NI) number (or some alternative proof of ID if you do not have an NI number) in order to complete your registration.

If you receive an Invitation to Register and you don’t want to be registered in Nottingham, please contact Nottingham City Council’s Electoral Services team (, 0115 876 4111) or return the blank ITR with a note to let them know.

International and EU students

If you’re a student from the EU, Commonwealth or British Territories then you are still able to register here in Nottingham. You do not need to have British citizenship to be eligible. If you’re not sure whether this applies to you, you can find out on the Your Vote Matters website.* You do not need a National Insurance number to register – just your passport.

Any international students who do not belong to the above groups are unfortunately not eligible to register in the UK. However, you can still access the non-statutory council services directly as long as you can provide evidence of your Nottingham address.

*Please note that Hong Kong is missing from this list. Students from Hong Kong are eligible to register.

Posted on Tuesday 21st November 2017

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353