Current Students

M3C AHRC-funded PhD studentship



Applications to the AHRC-funded Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M3C) are now open and the programme is hosting a number of application-writing workshops.

The partnership brings together six leading universities from the Midlands – the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, De Montfort University, University of Leicester, Nottingham Trent University and the University of Nottingham. It combines research expertise for the professional and personal development of the next generation of arts, humanities and social science doctoral researchers.

For 2018 entry, M3C is awarding up to 80 PhD Open Doctoral Competition studentships and seven Midlands3Cities Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) for UK/EU applicants.

Planning on continuing your studies at the University of Nottingham? Search our M3C supervision areas.

The programme is offering application-writing workshops featuring advice on how to plan your application and structure your proposal. The following workshops are available:

Birmingham – Saturday 11 November, 1pm – 4pm
University of Birmingham, Muirhead Tower
Book a place

Leicester – 18 November 1pm – 4pm
University of Leicester, LT2 Attenborough Seminar Block
Book a place

Nottingham – 18 November, 1.30pm – 4pm
Nottingham Trent University, LT4 Newton Building
Book a place

The deadline for funding applications is Monday 15 January 2018.

Posted on Thursday 12th October 2017

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