Current Students

Nottingham Citizens hate crime survey


Students walking around the Ningbo Campus 714x249

Nottingham Citizens and the University of Nottingham are running a hate crime survey to understand the true extent to which hate crime affects people in our communities.

The survey seeks to learn how citizens feel about identity and the City of Nottingham, as well as collecting experiences of hate crime. The data will be used to form recommendations on ways in which we can tackle hate crime in Nottingham.

What is a hate crime?

A hate crime is any incident in which someone is targeted because of their identity, including disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or race/ethnicity. It can take any shape and isn’t always illegal behaviour but is always motivated by prejudice.

The survey takes no more than five minutes to complete and will be running until the end of January.

Complete the survey.

Posted on Friday 1st December 2017

Student Communications Officer

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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