In early May 2017, we will be inviting you to make preliminary module choices for the 2017/18 academic year. This year we will be using a new online form which will be available from Monday 8 May until Friday 12 May 2017.
We will contact you again in early May, before the online form opens, with a link and instructions and with more information about how to check which modules are available in 2017/18, and how to confirm the requirements of your programme of study. This communication will be by email (to your University account) and via Moodle. It is really important you keep an eye out for this message so that you are ready to make your choices in the week commencing Monday 8 May 2017.
In the meantime if you have any questions about your module choices please contact us using the online enquiry form at and choose ‘module choice’ from the list of things we can help you with.
Please remember that the deadline for submitting your preliminary module choices will be Friday 12 May 2017.
Please note:
Communications and MarketingUniversity Park Campus Nottingham, NG7 2RD
telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353 e: