The GNSS Research and Applications Centre of Excellence (GRACE) is active across a number of national, European and international networks providing access to world leading research and development, cutting edge technology as well as external industrial and public funding.
Regional Networks
East Midlands Space Network (emSpaceNet)
East Midlands Space Network (emSpaceNet) has been established to represent and promote the region as a national centre of excellence for space based research and industrial activity. Underpinned as a co-operation between the East Midlands Development Agency (emda), the universities of Nottingham, Leicester and DeMontfort, emSpaceNet brings together an extraordinarily breadth of experience in space based earth observation, environmental monitoring, navigation, timing and positioning.
The Transport iNet has been set up to allow individual transport sectors to work together, share ideas, technologies, intelligence, innovation and create a link between operational industries and the academic community. Its work is guided by a Strategic Advisory Panel (SAP) whose members cover a cross-section of the transport industry: aerospace, automotive, marine, motorsport and rail. The overall objective of Transport iNet is to increase the level of innovation in the East Midlands and in doing so, improve business competitiveness, margins, sustainability and growth.
Other iNets include the Healthcare and Bioscience iNet, the Sustainable Construction iNet and the Food and Drink iNet.
National Networks
Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN)
The Royal Institute of Navigation is a British institution devoted to the art and science of navigation.
Its aims are to bring navigators together, to develop navigational techniques and to increase public awareness of navigation. It is based in Kensington, London. It was granted its Royal Charter in 2007.
European Networks
GRACE is actively involved in the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS). Formed as an association of industries and universities across Europe, NEREUS has the principle aim of promoting partnerships and cooperative schemes between European Regions. Emphasis is placed on the use of space technologies and the network aims to explore the benefits of space technologies for Regions and their citizens and to spread their applications.
NEREUS provides a strong voice for the regional dimension of European Space Policy and programs as well as end-user needs.
Telematics Valley, based in Gothenburg, is a non-profit organisation that exists to help improve members’ opportunities and also exploit the region as a premier telematics development cluster. This is achieved by a vast array of targeted objectives such as attracting further competences into the region as well as inviting european telematics actors; encouraging collaboration; stimulating debate and knowledge; working closely with academia, R&D and test facilities; attracting investment; and generating more jobs.
EBN, based in Brussels, is the leading non-governmental pan-European network bringing together 200+ Business & Innovation Centres (BICs), and similar organisations such as incubators, innovation and entrepreneurship centres across the enlarged Europe.
The network is an umbrella organisation bringing together over 200 BICs from all around Europe and beyond. It provides help and support to these BICs by acting as an interface with other organisations including the European Commission (which officially recognises EBN), by providing expertise in numerous areas including funding and by stimulating the sharing of best practices.
EBN follows closely the European Union Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies and is developing ‘hub and spoke’ networking connections with the rest of the world.
The European Space Incubators Network (ESINET) was launched by four partners (ESA, EBN, WSL and D’Appolonia), as an experimental platform for the transfer of knowledge and technologies. Today, ESINET has become the leading network of incubators focusing – wholly or partially – on space related technologies used in all sectors. Its members stand for high technology business incubator facilities with a proven track record.
Membership of the ESINET network provides the following benefits:
- Promotion & Communication;
- Localised awareness road shows (host by EBN incubators for the companies in their region);
- Privileged access to ESA technical expertise (voucher scheme);
- Privileged access to specific international events & trade fairs;
- Privileged access to ESA investment tools (funds, training (readiness programmes) & investor meetings EIF);
- Development of European (EC, GSA..) funded projects in relevant areas;
- Networking opportunities through EBN networking activities (working groups) or through other relevant networking environments (public or private);
- Development of a quality assurance tool supporting the label & brand;
- Building and animation of a community of relevant ESINET entrepreneurs (database, success stories, alumni club…);
- An ongoing offer of services and tools at your service
ENCADRE (European Network of Satnav/Space Clusters for Applications Development) is an informal European Platform to support the creation of a market strategy in the field of space and Galileo derived applications.
The ENCADRE network numbers 16 clusters in the field of satellite and space technologies based applications. The network started a number of actions to raise awareness among companies, entrepreneurs and users on the opportunities offered by existing space and satellite technologies, e.g. GPS II, Galileo/EGNOS, to develop hundreds of new applications in a wide array of existing and new markets.