State of the Art and Trends in Airborne and Land Mobile Mapping Technology
The Seventh International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, technically co-sponsored by The Institute of Navigation, will be held June 13-16 in the Sheraton Hotel, Cracow, Poland.
Topics to be discussed include:
- 3D Mobile Mapping and GIS Integration
- Alternative Sensor and Data Integration Algorithms
- Automated and Semi-Automated Image Segmentation and Object
- Direct Georeferencing
- Estimation and Optimization Algorithms
- Extraction/Recognition
- Image Sequence Processing
- Large Datasets: Management, Query and Transmission
- LIDAR and SAR Mapping Systems
- Mobile Mapping Applications
- Mobile Mapping Technology (System Components, Platforms, etc.)
- Personal and Pedestrian Navigation
- Sensor Calibration (Orientation, Integration, Reliability)
- Wireless Positioning Techniques