At this one day conference the following topics will be covered:
- Processes for mitigation, and jamming testing
- Report on the Royal Institute of Navigation GNSS Vulnerabilities meeting in Croatia
- The Royal Academy of Engineering study on GNSS dependencies
- Resilience
- Gaardian GNSS IDM project results and the follow-on Sentinel project
- The General Lighthouse Authorities GNSS monitoring network and update on eLoran
- RAIM for jamming mitigation
Plus other presentations to be confirmed.
This will be followed by a panel discussion and Q & A session.
Download preliminary agenda
£75 + VAT KTN Members
£95 + VAT Non Members
Register here.
Exhibiting space available. Contact for details.
This event is being held at The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.
Directions to venue.
For further information please contact or +44 (0) 20 8943 8711.