The workshop is dedicated to examining the objectives, options and opportunities for a UK GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) test bed to support users, suppliers, developers and researchers working with GNSS technologies. The workshop is a full day and includes a series of keynote speakers and breakout sessions. The workshop is organised by Intellect, UKspace and the Digital Systems KTN Location and Timing Programme.
What's being talked about?
The event will be used to generate evidence to support the UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy (Space IGS) which provided a recommendation that the Technology Strategy Board and the Regional Development Agencies explore the establishment of a GNSS applications test bed as a focus for the development of downstream products and services. The test bed will enable UK-based companies develop a first mover advantage from using existing GNSS signals as well as early Galileo signals which are due to come online in 2010.
Who's speaking?
The following have been invited to speak:
Eric Guyader, European Commission.
Martin Ditter, European Space Agency, Harwell. (Confirmed)
Martin Unwin, SSTL. (Confirmed)
Terry Moore, GRACE. (Confirmed)
Phil Pettitt, InnovITS ADVANCE.
Nick Appleyard, Technology Strategy Board. (Confirmed)
Paul Cruddace, Ordnance Survey, Great Britain. (Confirmed)
Who should attend?
Users, suppliers, developers and researchers working with GNSS technologies. The overall world market fot the Space industry is likely to grow from £160 billion in 2008 to at least £400 billion by 2030. In particular high growth is expected in GNSS applications. The UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy sets a path to grow the UK’s share of this global market. GNSS technologies have applications in rail, sea, land and air platforms and GNSS markets are numerous. Current applications include protection of load workers and children, road user charging, opening train doors only where there is a platform, tracking birds/fish, ship navigation, air navigation, safety of life applications, siteing of oil rigs etc etc.
View the agenda
When and where is it?
Date: Thursday 06 May 2010
Time: 09:30 - 16:45
Venue: Intellect Conference Suite, Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5EE
For further information contact:
Charlie Field
Events Manager
T 020 7331 2188
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