University of Nottingham
Thursday 17th March 2011 (09:12-17:12)

A one day workshop to link challenging navigation and locating applications with potential technologies.

Confirmed speakers and presentations:

  • uture technologies and user needs - Ed Parsons, Google
  • Location from mobile phone transmissions - Ian Muir, Path Intelligence
  • WiFi - Roger Willmott, Airetrak
  • UWB - Paul Webster, Ubisense
  • Optical techniques for charactising large enclosed spaces and surface form - Ben Hughes, NPL

The event will also include presentations on:

  • Image matching for determining location
  • RF fingerprinting
  • Video analysis of local texture to determine speed and direction

This will be followed by a panel discussion and Q & A session.

£50+ VAT KTN Members
£75+ VAT Non Members
Register here.

This event is being held at Bushy House, The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

Directions to venue.

For further information please contact

or +44 (0) 20 8943 8711.


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