University of Nottingham
Wednesday 19th January 2011 (10:49)

National Physical Laboratory, Teddington   

Every day the general public use GNSS systems to navigate their cars and boats, businesses rely on GNSS for timing networks and high accuracy positioning is used for surveying.

However, there are natural phenomena which serve to degrade the performance of these systems, their accuracy and reliability. In this one day workshop we will be looking at the effects of:

  • Sunspots, Solar flares, Solar maximum
  • Multipath
  • Environmental impact on satellite orbits

We will find out what causes these problems and how they ultimately impact on the navigation or positioning performance of your GNSS receivers. We will hear from both academics and industry professionals and seek to understand if all receivers will be influenced in the same way, or will different types of receiver cope with the challenges differently. How can these phenomena be mitigated against using novel designs and software techniques? Are the effects the same across the globe?

£50+VAT KTN members
£75+VAT Non members
Register your place

The meeting is being held in Bushy House at The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.
Directions to venue

For further information please contact Karen Barlow or +44 (0) 20 8943 8711. 



Registration, coffee & networking

10:25 Welcome & Introduction Clive de la Fuente, Digital Systems KTN
10:30 Sunspots/Flares Solar maximum Cathryn Mitchell, University of Bath
11:00 Multipath and its Mitigation Paul Groves, University College London

Coffee & networking

12:00 Environmental impact on satellite orbits and attitude Marek Ziebart, University College London
12:30 Effects on high accuracy receivers and the CIGALA project Bruno Bougard, Septentrio

Lunch & networking

14.00 Effects on navigation receivers Tony Haddrell, Integrated Navigation Systems
14:30 Next Generation Integrity Monitoring Carl Milner, Imperial College London

Panel discussion


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