University of Nottingham
Thursday 23rd (09:26) - Saturday 25th September 2010 (17:26)

NAVSUP 2010: Polish Navigation Forum

The 17th conference on "The Role of Navigation in Support of Human Activity" will be held in Gdynia, Poland from September 23 to 25 2010. An industry exhibition is part of the event.

The conference will cover the latest developments in navigation and positioning on the water, on land and in the air.

The event targets scientists, engineers from Poland and Europe.

May 15 2010 is the deadline for applications and submission of abstracts.

The opening day events take place in the Polish Naval Academy. The rest of the sessions and a banquet take place during a Baltic cruise on board a ferry.

Sessions include:

* Navigation

* Geodetic and hydrographical support of human activity at sea

* Radionavigation and satellite systems

* Hydrometerological support of maritime shipping

* Safety and security of maritime shipping

* Maneuverability and hydrodynamics of ships

* Maritime education and training

The biennial event is sponsored by the Polish Naval Academy Institute of Navigation and Hydrography and the Polish Navigation Forum.


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