Special Offer!! You may now attend for just £50
– literally just enough to cover the costs. So clear your diaries and do come along to what should be a fascinating and eye-opening day. Please remember to pre-register with Tori since we will need to know how many to cater for on the day.
We have a truly impressive array of speakers lined up starting with the keynote speaker, General Carlo Magrassi who is Deputy Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency. General Magrassi has a very keen professional interest in UAV operations. Autonomous systems are the next Big Thing and already a considerable amount is being spent on research into the operation not only of aeronautical but also surface and sub-surface vehicles.
This important symposium on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has already attracted much interest from the UK and abroad, right across the UAV community, including manufacturers, academics and user organisations. The invited speakers will be covering a number of navigation related topics concerning the design and operation of unmanned and autonomous aerial vehicles, which will interest the complete spectrum of those involved professionally with the topic. Including:
- Mission planning
- Remote control
- Autonomous control
- Navigation sensors and integration
- Terrain mapping
- Legislation
- Safety
Please encourage the delegates coming from your organisation to register for the symposium as soon as possible. Speakers do not need to register.
If your organisation has not yet booked an exhibition stand please do consider so.
For more information about exhibition and registration etc., click here.