University of Nottingham
Wednesday 2nd (15:29) - Friday 4th November 2011 (15:29)

The symposium welcomes contributions on any topics related to deformation monitoring, including modeling, measurements, analysis and interpretation of deformations. The following areas and beyond are welcome:
-    Monitoring Concepts for Static and Dynamic Deformations of Engineering and Geotechnical Structures
-     Geometrical, Deterministic and Non-Parametric Modelling of the Behaviour of Structures
-    Interdisciplinary Approaches for the Design and Analysis of Deformation Measurements
-    Innovative Concepts for Sensors and Methods
-    Multi-Sensor Systems and Sensor-Networks
-    Automation of Monitoring Measurements and Interpretation
-    Warning and Alert Systems
-    Applications in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering
-    Applications in Geosciences on Local and Regional Scales

Important Dates
1 July 2011 - Deadline for abstract submission
15 July 2011 - Notification of acceptance
1 August 2011 - End of early bird registration
1 September 2011 - Deadline for full paper submission (optional)
2-4 November 2011 - Symposium

Abstract Submission

Abstracts in plain text should be submitted online at by 1 July 2011.
An abstract should include the title of the paper, author(s), the affiliation of the author(s)
and a concise description of the work in less than 300 words. Please also include the contact details (address, email and telephone) of the author(s).

More information can be found at


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