University of Nottingham
Friday 21st November 2014 (09:00-16:30)

Event Contact:

  • Provincia di Roma - Department Vi
  • Director: Giampiero Orsini
  • Email:


  • EMMIA Policy Learning Platform (PLP)
  • Co-ordinator Jürgen Vogel, bavAIRia e.V.
  • Email:
Registration URL

mobilise europe!

Towards European future in mobile services - EMMIA PLP Conference

We cordially invite mobile business enthusiasts, who strive for support of mobile services in Europe, to a day of

  • Success stories for mobile services and business from model regions in Europe
  • Interactive sessions mixing your experiences and comments with our findings
  • Learning from innovation partnerships with partners who know how to do it
  • Browsing in our pocket guide: "mobile #hApp-iness@europe - Regional policies to develop mobile services in Europe" targeted at motivated regions of different maturity levels
  • Teaming up with DG ENTR to put mobile services in the wider policy context of Europe's industrial renaissance and the role of emerging industries

On 21st November 2014, Friday, 9:00am
Università La Sapienza, Facoltà di Ingegneria
Via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Roma

To register, please visit mobile europe registration 
For more details, visit EMMIA


Email: Contact us