University of Nottingham
Tuesday 9th (14:23) - Thursday 11th August 2011 (14:23)

Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China

9-11 August, 2011

With increasing amount of data collected from satellite, airborne, and groundbased imaging systems, image and data fusion techniques are gaining moreand more importance. By integration of multi-sensor, multi-temporal,multi-resolution and multi-platform image data, together with geospatial data,GIS, in-situ, and other statistical data sets, more accurate information can beobtained to provide for robust operational performance. This leads toincreased confidence, reduced ambiguity and improved classification toenable evidence based management.

This international symposium will provide a forum for leading international scientists and young researchers to present their latest research developments, exchange their research ideas and share their experience in techniques and applications of image and data fusion. There will be technical sessions, poster sessions, and social events. You are cordially invited to contribute to this event by attending the symposium and delivering a paper.

All the papers will be peer-reviewed. Selected papers will appear in the International Journal of Image and Data Fusion (IJIDF) published by Taylor & Francis. All papers resulting from the symposium will be published via IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Automatic registration/geometric aspects of fusing images with different spatial, spectral, temporal resolutions, phase information, or acquired in different modes
  • Pixel, feature and decision level fusion algorithms and methodologies
  • Multi-source classification and information extraction
  • Integration of satellite, airborne and terrestrial sensor systems

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